Igor Grigoriev was born on March 3, 1966 in Kaluga. After graduating from Russian Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS, Workshop of M.A. Zakharov), Grigoriev worked in the theatre-cabaret «The Bat», the «Vernissage» theatre and «The Hermitage» theatre.
Since 2002 Igor has been employed by the Maly State Academic Theatre of Russia. Igor’s physique makes him perfect for performing in historical productions. Igor’s charm combined with natural grace and great comic talent make him a true romantic hero.
Igor made his film debut in 1992, starring in the comedy «The Game». He was also filmed in the drama «The Worm», as well as the TV series «Return of Mukhtar-1», «Brotherhood», «Tatyanin Day», «The Brothers Karamazov», «Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Chancellery», «Split», «Moscow. Three stations», «Traffic light», «Samara 2».
Roles in the Maly Theatre:
2002 – The Servant, «The Minor» by Denis Fonvizin, directed by Vitaliy Ivanov
2002 - The Servant, «Woe from Wit» by Alexander Griboedov, directed by Sergey Zhenovach
2002 - Guest at the ball, «The Cherry Orchard» by Anton Chekhov, directed by Yuri Solomin
2002 - The clerk, «There Was Not a Single Penny, and Suddenly There is a Dime» by Alexander Ostrovsky, directed by Eduard Martsevich
2002 – Townsman, «Truth is good, but happiness is better» by Alexander Ostrovsky, directed by Sergey Zhenovach
2003 – Khvorostinin, «Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich» by Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, directed by Boris Ravenskikh
2003 – Chelibey, «Tsar Boris» by Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, directed by Vladimir Beylis
2004 –Vasiliy, «The Last Sacrifice» by Alexander Ostrovsky, directed by Vladimir Dragunov
2005 – Bityagovsky, «Tsar Ivan the Terrible» by Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, directed by Vladimir Dragunov
2005 - Mr. de Bonnefoi, a notary, «The Imaginary Invalid» by J.-B. Molière, directed by Sergey Zhenovach
2006 – The stationmaster, «The Cherry Orchard» by Anton Chekhov, directed by Yuri Solomin
2008 – Mstislavsky, «Dmitry the Pretender and Vasily Shuisky» by Alexander Ostrovsky, directed by Vladimir Dragunov
2009 -Valet, «Smart Things» by Samuil Marshak, directed by Vasiliy Fyodorov
2012 - Gibner, «The Government Inspector» by Nikolay Gogol, directed by Yuri Solomin and Vasiliy Fyodorov
2013 – Minister’s security, «How to Cheat the State» by Louis Verneuil and Georges Berr, directed by Vladimir Beylis
2016 - Shampoo, Kuvaldin, passenger, «Re-reading Chekhov» (based on Anton Chekhov's short stories), directed by Elena Olenina
2017 - Gorich, «Woe from Wit» by Alexander Griboedov, directed by Sergey Zhenovach
2017 - King of France, «King Lear» by William Shakespeare, directed by Anton Yakovlev
2018 - Klim Soshnikov, «Time Of Troubles. 1609-1611» by Vladimir Medinksiy, directed by Vladimir Beylis
2019 - Hotel manager, «The Rest Is Silence» by Viña Delmar, directed by Yuri Solomin
Igor Grigoriev was born on March 3, 1966 in Kaluga. After graduating from Russian Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS, Workshop of M.A. Zakharov), Grigoriev worked in the theatre-cabaret «The Bat», the «Vernissage» theatre and «The Hermitage» theatre.
Since 2002 Igor has been employed by the Maly State Academic Theatre of Russia. Igor’s physique makes him perfect for performing in historical productions. Igor’s charm combined with natural grace and great comic talent make him a true romantic hero.
Igor made his film debut in 1992, starring in the comedy «The Game». He was also filmed in the drama «The Worm», as well as the TV series «Return of Mukhtar-1», «Brotherhood», «Tatyanin Day», «The Brothers Karamazov», «Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Chancellery», «Split», «Moscow. Three stations», «Traffic light», «Samara 2».
Roles in the Maly Theatre:
2002 – The Servant, «The Minor» by Denis Fonvizin, directed by Vitaliy Ivanov
2002 - The Servant, «Woe from Wit» by Alexander Griboedov, directed by Sergey Zhenovach
2002 - Guest at the ball, «The Cherry Orchard» by Anton Chekhov, directed by Yuri Solomin
2002 - The clerk, «There Was Not a Single Penny, and Suddenly There is a Dime» by Alexander Ostrovsky, directed by Eduard Martsevich
2002 – Townsman, «Truth is good, but happiness is better» by Alexander Ostrovsky, directed by Sergey Zhenovach
2003 – Khvorostinin, «Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich» by Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, directed by Boris Ravenskikh
2003 – Chelibey, «Tsar Boris» by Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, directed by Vladimir Beylis
2004 –Vasiliy, «The Last Sacrifice» by Alexander Ostrovsky, directed by Vladimir Dragunov
2005 – Bityagovsky, «Tsar Ivan the Terrible» by Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy, directed by Vladimir Dragunov
2005 - Mr. de Bonnefoi, a notary, «The Imaginary Invalid» by J.-B. Molière, directed by Sergey Zhenovach
2006 – The stationmaster, «The Cherry Orchard» by Anton Chekhov, directed by Yuri Solomin
2008 – Mstislavsky, «Dmitry the Pretender and Vasily Shuisky» by Alexander Ostrovsky, directed by Vladimir Dragunov
2009 -Valet, «Smart Things» by Samuil Marshak, directed by Vasiliy Fyodorov
2012 - Gibner, «The Government Inspector» by Nikolay Gogol, directed by Yuri Solomin and Vasiliy Fyodorov
2013 – Minister’s security, «How to Cheat the State» by Louis Verneuil and Georges Berr, directed by Vladimir Beylis
2016 - Shampoo, Kuvaldin, passenger, «Re-reading Chekhov» (based on Anton Chekhov's short stories), directed by Elena Olenina
2017 - Gorich, «Woe from Wit» by Alexander Griboedov, directed by Sergey Zhenovach
2017 - King of France, «King Lear» by William Shakespeare, directed by Anton Yakovlev
2018 - Klim Soshnikov, «Time Of Troubles. 1609-1611» by Vladimir Medinksiy, directed by Vladimir Beylis
2019 - Hotel manager, «The Rest Is Silence» by Viña Delmar, directed by Yuri Solomin